“Do What You Love and Love What you Do and Never Work a Day in Your Life!!”
How many times have you heard this phrase and wondered how do I get to do what I love when there are so many obstacles in my way. For example, for someone who wants to be creative in their life they might say something like: “I struggle to make a living at a job I hate, I am responsible for a family and finances and I don’t have the time to do what I love, which is……….”.
Now if this sounds like something you have thought of or felt, fill in the blank.
Now imagine for a moment that you are doing that “one thing” that you love and enjoy and you are living your life from that truth. How does it feel? How do you look? What are people saying about you? What are you saying about yourself? What does your family look like, your house, your car, your friends, and your life? If I am correct it all feels and looks pretty good. So why don’t you have it now?
I believe the secret to success depends on each of us taking responsibility for our lives and healing the wounds from our past. Let’s face it, we all have emotional baggage that holds us back so why are we holding on to it and how do we let it go so we can move on?
Let me outline a few examples like; fear of failure or rejection, feeling unworthy or inadequate, having doubts about our abilities or our value. All of these will have an impact on our ability to achieve the things that we most want in our life. I believe healing these emotional issues (aka issues in our tissues) will help us to find what we most want in our life.
If you stop and think about it for a moment, if you don’t feel worthy of success how will you become successful? If you don’t feel you deserve abundance how will you prosper in your life? If you feel you are not loveable how will you find love in your life? And, just imagine if you doubt your own abilities and skills, how can you possibly create, find or do anything that makes you feel successful and happy in your life?
The answers to all of these questions are at your fingertips. Through a program designed specifically for you, using the skills and tools I have available to me, we will work together to uncover the contributors and causes of your inability to find your perfect Life.
Are you ready to make the commitment and take the steps to heal the past and propel yourself into the future of your dreams, the one where you are making a fortune doing what your were born to do?
Get Excited About Your Life Coaching Program Free Introductory Session:
During this powerful Free – 30 minute Introductory Session (Limited time offer as space permits: Value $97)…
1. We will work together to create a clear vision of what will ignite your passion to become and to do what most excites you in your life?
- Is it a great relationship?
- Is it the perfect job/career?
- Is it vibrant health? The perfect weight?
- Is it abundance?
- Is it eliminating overwhelm and fear from everyday life?
- Is it letting go of grief and moving on in your life?
2. You will identify one area that you feel stuck/stalled/stagnant in your life and we will do some healing work to release any blockages or contributors to this challenge. (Refer to The Body Code/Emotion Code System to outline the healing tools used.)
3. You will be given action steps to assist you to move forward and through similar challenges in the future.
4. You will leave the session feeling excited, motivated and ready to begin the real work to transform your life into the one of your dreams.
To enroll, please click here.